Monday, February 27, 2012

The Little Things

I am a sucker for precious, little, vintage items and enjoy scattering them throughout my apartment.  While some find these pieces potential clutter in a space, I find their character an irresistible asset to any room.   I try my best to use self control when placing objects so as not to over crowd a space.  Too many tiny gems means nothing gets properly seen!  Here are some sweet finds.

This worn wooden box with a metal latch is a charming spot for vintage sewing materials.

There is nothing that warms me from the inside more than beautiful tea cups...except maybe if they're full of tea.

When I lived in Paris I was right down the street from 34 Rue St. Germain, which is where Diptyque originated.  They make the most luxurious candles evoking all the romance and history I adore about France.  I can't get enough!

A vintage alarm clock is such a work of art!   I have one by my bed, but sadly it's just for looks because I use my iphone to wake me up- so unromantic, I shouldn't have admitted that!