There are so many unbelievable bouquet ideas out there that it is simply overwhelming! For this post I chose some of my favorites based on their ability to evoke vintage style in a creative and unique way. Have a look...
Gorgeous eye popping color!
Style Me Pretty |
Creative Sparkle: A-Maz-Ing!
Zsazsabellagio |
In last Wednesday's wedding post I mentioned how much I love the idea of adding jewelry to a bouquet. The cameo is so classic.
Style Me Pretty |
Here is another example of jewelry using a locket.
Dont' know the source, sorry! |
What is there to say about cotton, but soft and delicate. So different.
Style Me Pretty |
My Scottish roots love this plaid/tartan ribbon.
Style Me Pretty |
These next two bouquets are whimsical with vines and muted colors.
Karen Wise |
Style Me Pretty |
Soft, full and elegant.
So...which one would you choose?
For you I love the ZsaZsaBellagio. My fave is the yellow with the cameo. :)